Monday, August 6, 2012

Kpop Stars Hwaiting is back!!

An nyoung Kpop lovers!!

I'm sorry for not have been able to post anything about Kpop :/
to be honest, I can't live without Kpop...
So on the post before this one, I told you guys about why I haven't posted any news or anything..

So well...good news!!
My internet is back! yay
KSH is back!!

I apologize again for not posting anything for like, almost a month..
But thank you Kpoppers, for staying tuned on my page, even though I haven't posted anything new..
My Viewer stats got down a bit for the first week I wasn't on..
But then, after I posted the one about the internet.. 
It seemed like I gained a couple of followers more!

So thank you everyone <3

Saranghaeyo my Kpop lovers <3!!

So now... Let

KSH Hwaiting!!!

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