Thursday, July 26, 2012

Why no updates?

I'm really really sorry for not posting kpop news for like a week and a half, want to know what happened? then continue reading...don't stop...

So the thing was, that last week I was surfing on the internet, reading news about kpop and all of that, making a story to post on this blog...put the link to this website...

Then suddenly... it said something I didn't want to hear..well in this

I couldn't connect to the internet... so I went to mom's room(where she clearly was..) and was like: "OMG!! Mom we have no internet? blah blah blah.." 
and she said: "Oh.....I guess we don't" 
I looked at her serious without knowing what to say
and then she said: "don't worry.. I'll call the bdijsbd"..
she called, we got the internet back like 5 min later..

Then the next day...

Me again surfing on the internet like usually, making lots of drafts for this blog etc etc..
when suddenly....


There it was... again!! 

She called the ndjsfnd again... they said there were a couple of technical problems etc etc...
then.. the worst thing happened...

Mom came into my room and said.. 
"We have no internet for like a week"

I looked at her...

And then...

What was I going to do?!!!

What about my blog? nooooo!!!!!

days passed..weeks... and then 

got a mobile broadband now ....
which is used by the whole friggin' family!!

so it's kinda hard to get it... 

so I'm apologizing everyone who reads my blog..
for you kpoppers! 

And I can see that some of you left my blog :/ because I haven't updated something.. so here I am.. I think...
I mean..
I'm Back :3

but it might be a little slow to actually post something..
but keep tuned for more kpop!! <3
I love you guys!
and thank you for all the viewers out there around the world ^_^
saranghae !

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