Wednesday, August 22, 2012

KSH writer going on a kpop audition!

Hello there Kpoppers...
I just wanted to tell you guys that, well... Some of the things I like the most, is dancing, singing and acting. And I've read about kpop auditions for a while, and I've decided I'm going to audition for one...

I'm a bit nervous, because It's my first time auditioning for something like this..
I have experience with standing on front of thousands of people..even alone!

so I'm going to give it a try and try to make one of my dreams come true! I'm really passionated about dancing, I could dance to anything. Just feeling the songs,the rhythm inside of me makes my body move by itself. Acting... also my passion, To be able to show your feelings through another person, going from char to char.. developing your inner self. And singing, I've never actually sang in front of many people..but those ones I've sang in front of, have told me I'm good at it.. So I'm going to give it a try...

Maybe I succeed or maybe not.. but thats the thing we have to try! just get some confidence in yourself.. You're only one step behind! believe in yourself! what can you loose? nothing..
Just don't loose hope! You may be the next KPOP artist!

so.. what id I succeed? wow..I'll be so happy, finally accomplish my dream..
If I don't.. well, life continues! and there might be other chances in life.. but never give up!
stay strong people! and try as hard as you can! show them what you really got!

now, I'm off to practice for a while, have to find the perfect song and dance for this..
I'll update you people out there who wants to know more..and if you got any question for me..or about the auditions, then just ask ^^

KPOP hwaiting!!

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