Friday, November 16, 2012

JYJ receives Commendation award from the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy at ‘KBEE 2012′ in Osaka, Japan

JYJ has received the Commendation of the Minister award at the opening ceremony of ’KBEE 2012 (Korea Brand & Entertainment Expo)‘ held in Japan.
The boys of JYJ were previously appointed as ambassadors for ‘KBEE 2012‘.
The opening of the expo was held at the INTEX International Exhibition Center in Osaka, Japan, on November 15th, and many representatives from government facilities such as the Ministry of Knowledge and Economy, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and other officials were in attendance along with JYJ.
JYJ received this prestigious honor because they had been judged as the top Hallyu stars that are active and have the most influence in all branches of culture. One major contributing factor accounted for was that their 15-city world tour brought in more than 210,000 fans. They also helped draw in many Japanese fans to visit Korea through their various activities.
At the event, JYJ commented, “We were happy because it seemed like many fans loved our music and Korea through our concerts and fan meetings. It means a lot for us to receive this award, and we will be even better with improved activities.

그룹 JYJ가 지식경제부 장관 표창을 수여 받았습니다.

JYJ는 지난 15일 일본 오사카에서 열린 '2012 한일 교류 종합전' 개막식 행사에서 문화산업 전 영역에서 활발히 활동하는 정상급 한류스타로 평가받아 상을 받았는데요.

JYJ 소속사는 행사 관계자의 말을 인용해 "그동안 JYJ가 남미나 유럽 등 아직 제반 여건이 충분히 갖춰지지 않은 곳까지 방문해 한류 문화를 알리는 데 앞장섰기에 그 성과를 인정받았다"고 밝혔습니다.

JYJ는 이날 행사에서 "좋은 상 의미 있게 받고 앞으로도 좋은 활동으로보답하겠다"며 일본어로 소감을 밝혔습니다.

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